Cockburn Sound – home to nearly 150 threatened or migratory species

Did you know Cockburn Sound is a haven for threatened and migratory species with nearly 150 species likely to be found in Cockburn Sound that are on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) threatened and migratory species list?

The EPBC Act is the Australian Government’s principal piece of environment legislation. The EPBC Act provides a legal framework to protect and manage Australia’s unique plants, animals, habitats and places. One of these frameworks is the EPBC threatened and migratory species list.

This EPBC threatened and migratory species list identifies threatened species, threatened ecological communities and migratory species protected under international agreements that Australia is a signatory to. If a species or ecological community is listed on the threatened and migratory species list or the threatened ecological communities list, any activity, project or development likely to have a significant impact on that species or ecological community needs to be assessed and approved under the EPBC Act. With a range of developments proposed for Cockburn Sound, it is worth having a look at just how many of our most vulnerable animals could be put at risk.

The Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has an online database of protected matters that identifies all the protected species that may be found in a particular area. By uploading a map of the Cockburn Sound a surprising number of species is identified at potentially being at risk from further development.

The list below covers the EPBC listed species that may be impacted by a single project and the proposed new port is only one of many projects earmarked for Cockburn Sound in the next few years.  

It is unknown how impacts on any of the species listed above will be managed let alone how impacts on other popular species will be avoided, minimised, restored or offset.

The government’s priorities are backward as it has a plan for a new port in Cockburn Sound, a plan to build a defence hub in Cockburn Sound, and a plan to expand heavy industry in Cockburn Sound, but where is the government’s plan to protect the biodiversity of Cockburn Sound?

The species on the list include the following:

Common NameMENS, threatened category and migratory statusPresence
Long-nosed Fur-seal, New Zealand Fur-sealListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Australian Sea LionListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Biologically Important Areas
Listed Marine species
Minke WhaleWhales and other CetaceansSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Bryde's WhaleListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Whales and other Cetaceans
Blue WhaleListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species
Whales and other Cetaceans
Humpback WhaleMigratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Biologically Important Areas
Listed Migratory species
Whales and other Cetaceans
Pygmy Right WhaleListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Whales and other Cetaceans
Southern Right WhaleListed Threatened species - EndangeredBreeding known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species (as Balaena glacialis australis)
Killer Whale, OrcaListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Whales and other Cetaceans
Spotted Dolphin, Pantropical Spotted DolphinWhales and other CetaceansSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Common Dolphin, Short-beaked Common DolphinWhales and other CetaceansSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Risso's Dolphin, GrampusWhales and other CetaceansSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Chuditch, Western QuollListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Grey WagtailSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Terrestrial & Marine Species
Rainbow Bee-eaterListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Fork-tailed SwiftListed Migratory Marine Bird speciesSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Listed Marine species
Caspian TernMigratory Marine BirdsKnown to occur anfd breed within area
Biologically Important Areas
Listed Migratory Marine species
Pacific GullBiologically Important AreasForaging, feeding or related behaviour may occur within area
Roseate TernListed Marine speciesForaging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area
Biologically Important Areas
Listed Migratory species
Common NoddyListed Migratory Marine Bird speciesSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Common Greenshank, GreenshankListed Threatened species - Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Marsh Sandpiper, Little GreenshankMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine species
Common Redshank, RedshankMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine species
Red-necked PhalaropeMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine species
Oriental PratincoleMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine species
Broad-billed SandpiperMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory species
Listed Marine species
Bar-tailed GodwitMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory species
Listed Marine species
Black-tailed GodwitListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Migratory Marine / Wetlands Species
Eastern Curlew, Far Eastern CurlewListed Threatened species - Critically EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory wetland / Marine species
WhimbrelMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species
Grey-tailed TattlerMigratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine species
Red Knot, KnotListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine / Wetlands Species
Curlew SandpiperListed Threatened species - Critically EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
Pectoral SandpiperListed Migratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Red-necked StintListed Migratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Great KnotListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
Grey PloverListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetland species - overfly marine area
Grey PloverListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Lised Migratory Wetlands Species
Pied Stilt, Black-winged StiltListed Marine species - overfly marine areaSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Red-necked AvocetListed Marine species - overfly marine areaSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Ruddy TurnstoneListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
Sharp-tailed SandpiperListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
Sharp-tailed SandpiperListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
SanderlingListed Migratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Greater Sand Plover, Large Sand PloverListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
Lesser Sand Plover, Mongolian PloverListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species
Red-capped PloverListed - overfly marine areaSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Double-banded PloverListed Migratory Wetlands Species - overfly marine areaSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
MalleefowlListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
White-bellied Sea-EagleListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
OspreyListed Migratory Wetlands SpeciesBreeding known to occur within area
Australasian BitternListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
White-faced Storm-PetrelListed Marine speciesBreeding known to occur within area
Soft-plumaged PetrelListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Marine species
Blue PetrelListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Marine species
Southern Giant-Petrel, Southern Giant PetrelListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
Northern Giant PetrelListed Threatened species - VulnerableForaging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
Fairy PrionListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Sooty AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory marine species
Little PenguinBiologically Important AreasKnown to occur and breed within area
Listed Marine species
Loggerhead TurtleListed Threatened species - EndangeredForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Migratory Marine Species
Loggerhead TurtleListed Threatened species - EndangeredForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species
Green TurtleListed Threatened species - VulnerableForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species
Leatherback Turtle, Leathery Turtle, LuthListed Threatened species - EndangeredForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species
Tall Donkey OrchidListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
King Spider-orchid, Grand Spider-orchid, Rusty Spider-orchidListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Purdie's Donkey-orchidListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Slender AndersoniaListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Glossy-leafed Hammer Orchid, Glossy-leaved Hammer Orchid, Warty Hammer OrchidListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Pacific Golden PloverListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Western Ringtail Possum, Ngwayir, Womp, Woder, Ngoor, NgoolangitListed Threatened species - Critically EndangeredSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Australian Lesser NoddyListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Dwarf Bee-orchidListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Dwarf Hammer-orchidListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Flatback TurtleListed Threatened species - VulnerableForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Terek SandpiperListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species - overfly marine area
Terek SandpiperListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Wetlands Species - overfly marine area
Common SandpiperListed Migratory Wetlands SpeciesSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Little ShearwaterBiologically Important AreasKnown to occur
Listed Marine speciesForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Amsterdam AlbatrossListed Threatened Species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Bird
Listed Threatened species
Fairy Prion (southern)Listed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Northern Royal AlbatrossListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Bird
Campbell Albatross, Campbell Black-browed AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
White-capped AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
Indian Yellow-nosed AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Bird
Grey Nurse SharkListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
White Shark, Great White SharkListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Species
Southern Pygmy PipehorseListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Gale's PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Upside-down Pipefish, Eastern Upside-down Pipefish, Eastern Upside-down PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Western Spiny Seahorse, Narrow-bellied SeahorseListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Short-head Seahorse, Short-snouted SeahorseListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Rhino Pipefish, Macleay's Crested Pipefish, Ring-back PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Australian Smooth Pipefish, Smooth PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Prophet's PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Javelin PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Sawtooth PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Western Crested PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Bonyhead Pipefish, Bony-headed PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Leafy SeadragonListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Common Seadragon, Weedy SeadragonListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Pugnose Pipefish, Pug-nosed PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Gunther's Pipehorse, Indonesian PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Spotted Pipefish, Gulf Pipefish, Peacock PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Widebody Pipefish, Wide-bodied Pipefish, Black PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Hairy PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Mother-of-pearl PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Port Phillip PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Longsnout Pipefish, Australian Long-snout Pipefish, Long-snouted PipefishListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Tristan AlbatrossListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
Black-browed AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableForaging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
Cattle EgretListed Marine species (as Ardea ibis) - overfly marine areaSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Whale SharkListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds
West Australian SeahorseListed Marine speciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, KarrakListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Bottlenose DolphinWhales and other CetaceansSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin, Spotted Bottlenose DolphinWhales and other CetaceansSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Grey Nurse Shark (west coast population)Listed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat likely to occur within area
Australian Painted SnipeListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Listed Marine species - overfly marine area (as Rostratula benghalensis (sensu lato))
Silver GullListed (as Larus novaehollandiae)Breeding known to occur within area
Flesh-footed ShearwaterListed Migratory Marine Birds (as Puffinus carneipes)Known to occur
Biologically Important AreasForaging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area
Sooty ShearwaterListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Birds (as Puffinus griseus)
Bridled TernListed Migratory Marine Birds (as Sterna anaethetus)Known to occur
Biologically Important AreasBreeding known to occur within area
Little TernListed Migratory Marine Birds (as Sterna albifrons)Species or species habitat may occur within area
Fairy TernListed Marine species (as Sterna nereis)Known to occur
Biologically Important AreasBreeding known to occur within area
Australian Fairy TernListed Threatened species - VulnerableForaging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area
Greater Crested TernListed Migratory Wetlands Species (as Sterna bergii)Breeding known to occur within area
Porbeagle, Mackerel SharkListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Oceanic Whitetip SharkListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Wedge-tailed ShearwaterListed Migratory Marine (as Puffinus pacificus)Known to occur
Biologically Important AreasBreeding known to occur within area
Brown SkuaListed Marine species (as Catharacta skua)Species or species habitat may occur within area
Scalloped HammerheadListed Threatened species - Conservation DependentSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Northern Siberian Bar-tailed Godwit, Russkoye Bar-tailed GodwitListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Hooded Plover, Hooded DotterelListed Marine species (as Thinornis rubricollis) - overfly marine areaSpecies or species habitat known to occur within area
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo, Short-billed Black-cockatooListed Threatened species - Endangered (listed as Calyptorhynchus latirostris)Breeding known to occur within area
Southern Royal AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Bird
Wandering AlbatrossListed Threatened species - VulnerableForaging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Bird
Shy AlbatrossListed Threatened species - EndangeredForaging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area
Listed Migratory Marine Bird
Reef Manta Ray, Coastal Manta RayListed Migratory Marine BirdSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Giant Manta RayListed Migratory Marine SpeciesSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Sooty TernListed Marine species (as Sterna fuscata)Breeding known to occur within area
Red-tailed Tropicbird (Indian Ocean), Indian Ocean Red-tailed TropicbirdListed Threatened species - EndangeredSpecies or species habitat may occur within area
Spectacled Sea SnakeListed Marine species (as Disteira kingii)Species or species habitat may occur within area